Thursday, March 27, 2014

Things are changing....

Things have changed quite a bit since my last post.......we've closed the bakery.....and my life situation now finds me at home. And quite honestly, it has been odd to be at home....with my 4yr old.  I have never not worked for as long as I can remember....and I had found myself frustrated not being able to find a job. "What the hell is wrong with me??" I thought....and cried....and ranted....for like a month. What? How? When? Why???
And during this time, I fell right back into working on my fairies. It felt SO I was coming home. Ideas started flowing....I was receiving messages from my angels and guides as to how I should go about this....yet I STILL wasn't feeling sure about it.....and that niggling thought of how/when am I going to find a job was in the back of my mind. So I asked for some guidance from an awesome intuitive/card reader and was really surprised when she told me "You don't have a problem, you have a solution!" And then it hit me, finally....this IS my opportunity to actually make this work. I have been given time....time....something that I had been complaining I didn't have enough of. It's not a's a solution <3 center="">
The word "Heartistry" is a combination of healing and artistry. Not only am I a Reiki Master practitioner, but I am now infusing my artwork with healing Reiki's just plain old awesome <3 center="">
So check back to see how this solution is turning into something......something better than I could have hoped for. And yeah, if an outside job comes along that I am really interested in, I can certainly consider it.....but now I KNOW that this work, my my path.  
In love and light,
