Monday, September 20, 2010

Every spare minute that I found this past weekend I sculpted or sewed or stuffed doll parts. And I found myself so desperately looking forward to those little bits of time! Those moments in between loads of laundry or when my 15 month old would take a VERY short nap.

It's the stopping that I don't like, lol! Having to put down my clay (paperclay is my new found art love)and get out of my zone. But realistically, the kids, the hubby, the food shopping, the cleaning and cooking must get done. And getting rid of spiders. But that is a story in and of itself :^)

This all surprises me really because I haven't been able to focus on my art, my dolls, for quite some time. Whether it was lack of interest or lack of time--or self-imposed lack of time or procrastination more likely--I don't know. But something has released within me or I have subconsciously let something go. But my desire to create is back with a sweet newfound force. And I am loving it! So in light of this, I am looking at my day, seeing where I can nip and tuck time per se. Even if I get to fit in just 15 minutes, that makes my heart sing. And I really feel like it keeps me on top of my craft. And creating has been like breathing for me. When I don't do it, I feel a part of me is missing, like I can't breathe.

So, this is a BIG step for me! I am creating time for myself to work, breathing (lol!).....and now looking at tentative dates to resign from my day job. No, I'm NOT crazy!! Lol! In talking with Marisha, I need to physically pick a date to resign and write it on a calendar. If I am willing to release what is not working for me, something else will present itself. Gotta get the ball rolling. Universe, I am VERY ready! In my heart, I KNOW the capacity in which I am teaching is no longer healthy for me. Both physically and emotionally. My goal is to be a self-supporting artist. To be able to work from home and take care of my kids, to teach local workshops, possibly travel around the US to teach workshops as well. This is what I see for myself. I have picked two tentative resignation dates, one in October the other in November. Technically (legally) I need to give my school district a full month to replace me from the date of my resignation. Both of those dates would do not only that, but allow me to leave right before Thanksgiving or Christmas. Imagine starting 2011 in this way???? Yes, yes, yes!!!!

Later on I'll post (hopefully)some pics of the girls I have been working on. I am making 4 girls for the Spring issue of Prims magazine. Whether or not they publish them, we'll see :^) Two of them are early 1900's beach babes, along with their mermaid friend. The 4th is a pretty large doll. She's not sure if she wants to be an angel or not. We'll see where she takes me :^) They tend to take on a life of their own. Also, nearly done, is a little Goth girl named Molly. She has her own skelly plushie and will come in a black, purple satin-lined coffin. She REALLY is a cutie :^)


  1. Glad you're back into the creative side...enjoy every minute (and I'll try to send you some of my extra minutes. ;~)

  2. Thanks SOO much JD!!! I'll take any spare minutes you have, lol!!!
